
privacy policy Ver 3.0

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Samsung Techwin Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Samsung Techwin") values the privacy of our customers and has established the Privacy Policy in compliance with the Act on Promotion of Information and Communication Network Utilization and Information Protection, Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and other relevant laws and regulations.
Samsung Techwin's Privacy Policy may change according to changes in the enactment of laws, amendments, changes in government policies, or the company's internal policies.If the Privacy Policy is amended for any reason, Samsung Techwin shall publish such information on the company website ( or notify customers via individual notices.

Samsung Techwin's Privacy Policy contains the following information:

Article 1: General Provisions Article 2: Types and Methods of Personal Information Collected Article 3: Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information Article 4: Use, Provision, and Sharing of Personal Information Article 5: Consignment of Personal Information Handling Article 6: Retention, Usage Period, and Destruction of Personal Information
Article 7: Rights and Obligations of Users and Legal Representatives and the Exercising Thereof Article 8: Privacy Officers Article 9: Security Measures for the Protection of Personal Information Article 10: Installation and Operation of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices Article 11: Notices for Changes in the Privacy Policy

Article 1: General Provisions

1) Personal information refers to any information regarding an individual that can be used for identification purposes such as a name or Resident Registration Number (including information that can be easily combined with other information to identify a specific individual, even if the piece of information alone would be ineffective for identification purposes). 2) Samsung Techwin values the importance of protecting the personal information of customers and adheres to the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, Act on the Protection of Personal Information, and Privacy Directive established by the Ministry of the Interior. Samsung Techwin informs customers via the Privacy Policy of the purpose and manner in which personal information is used as well as the measures for protecting such information.

Article 2: Types and Methods of Personal Information Collected

1) Samsung Techwin provides a variety of convenient services to customers and collects the following personal information from related websites for identification purposes. Required information: Name, phone number, address, email address, company name, company telephone number, gender, occupation, country/region, i-PIN number, company size, industry, etc. Optional information: Company name, company address, company fax number, company website URL, hobbies, interests, date of birth, company department, job title, product serial number, project information, interested content, etc. 2) Samsung Techwin collects the above personal information in a manner in which customers directly complete online forms. However, the types of collected information prescribed under Paragraph 1 may vary depending on the purpose and type of service. Terms and conditions or an agreement for the collection of personal information shall be presented by individual service to which a user may choose to agree or disagree. Personal information shall only be collected upon agreement by the user. 3) In addition to those in Paragraphs 1 and 2, the following personal information may automatically generated and collected during use of service. - Service usage records, IP address, access logs, MAC address, etc.

Article 3: Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information

1) To provide satisfactory services, Samsung Techwin collects a minimal degree of required personal information for the purposes of answering questions and retaining responses, managing memberships, providing content, transmitting advertising information, and other marketing activities. 2) However, we do not collect sensitive personal information (race, ethnicity, ideas/beliefs, place of birth, location of family register, political affiliation, criminal records, health, sexuality, etc.) that may risk violating a customer's basic rights.

Article 4: Use, Provision, and Sharing of Personal Information

1) Except in cases where applicable by law or via customer consent, Samsung Techwin does not use or provide personal information to other companies or organizations beyond the scope prescribed under Article 3. However, personal information is cautiously used and/or provided for the following cases. - If the rights and obligations of a service provider is fully succeeded or transferred due to a sale, disposal, merger, or acquisition, Samsung Techwin shall provide advance notice with legitimate reasons as well as an option for the withdrawal of consent with respect to personal information handling. - If the personal information of a customer is provided or shared for any other reason, the customer shall be notified in advance via email or in writing regarding who is to receive or share such information, the purpose for which the information is provided, the types of information provided, the right to refuse provision, and possible detriments that may be incurred as a result of refusal. 2) In the following cases, we may provide personal information without consent in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. - Execution of contract regarding provision of service. - If stipulated by the terms of relevant laws and regulations, or if requested by a law enforcement agency for investigative purposesin accordance with the procedures and methods prescribed by law. - If provided for statistical or academic or market research purposes by first processing personal information in a manner in which a specific individual cannot be identified.

Article 5: Consignment of Personal Information Handling

1) Samsung Techwin consigns and operates personal information handling as follows to ensure effective processing: ① Telephone Customer Service Operations - Consignee: Sammi Systech Co., Ltd. - Consigned Tasks: Customer support requests received through the Website and other guidance. 2) Samsung Techwin clarifies responsibilities (restrictions on handling personal information exceeding the scope originally agreed upon; technical and administrative safeguards; restrictions on reconsignment; management and supervision of consignees; compensation for damages; etc.) when consigning personal information and supervises the consignees to ensure that such information is processed safely. 3) Any changes in consignees or consigned tasks shall be disclosed without delay via this Privacy Policy.

Article 6: Retention, Usage Period, and Destruction of Personal Information

1) Samsung Techwin shall destroy personal information without delay at the request of a customer or when the purpose of collection or provision of personal information has been achieved.
2) However, such information shall be retained for a certain period of time if required by relevant laws and regulations or internal policies as follows:
※ Retention of information pursuant to relevant laws and regulations (Commercial Act, Framework Act on National Taxes, Corporate Tax Act, Uniform Electronic Transactions Act, Protection of Communications Secrets Act, etc.).
1. Website sign-up and management: Until withdrawal
However, information shall be retained until fulfillment of duty for the following reasons:
① Until the end of an investigation for violations in accordance with relevant laws and regulations.
② Until the settlement of remaining debts with respect to Website usage. 2. Provision of goods or services: Until the provision of goods or services are completed or fees are settled.
However, information shall be retained until fulfillment of duty for the following reasons:
① Recording of transactions in accordance with the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act such as displays, advertisements, agreements and implementations thereof, etc.
- Records of displays and advertisements: 6 months
- Records of contract cancellations, payments, and provision of goods: 5 years
- Records of consumer complaints or disputes: 3 years ② Archiving of communications evidence in accordance with Article 41 of the Protection of Communications Secrets Act.
- Date/time of subscriber telecommunications, start and end time, other party's subscriber number, frequency of use, and location data of the originating station: 1 year
- Computer communications, Internet log data, and connection tracking data: 3 months
③ Retention of personally identifiable information (PII) in accordance with Article 29 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection: 6 months after information posted on the bulletin board expires
3) Destruction Procedures and Methods
- Samsung Techwin shall destroy without delay the personal information of customers when the retention period has lapsed, objectives have been achieved, or the information is no longer required for any other reason.
- Despite the above reasons, if personal information needs to be retained in accordance with relevant laws or regulations, the information shall be moved to a separate database (DB) or storage area.
- Samsung Techwin shall destroy personal information recorded or stored in electronic files in a manner in which restoration or recovery is impossible. Information recorded or stored on paper shall be shredded or incinerated.

Article 7: Rights and Obligations of Users and Legal Representatives and the Exercising Thereof

1) With respect to their own personal information, customers may at any time request the inspection, correction, deletion, stoppage of handling, or withdrawal of consent. To request inspection, correction, deletion, stoppage of handling, or withdrawal of consent, contact the following department via phone, email, or in writing for immediate processing.
▶ Personal information inspection requests
- Department: Human Resources (Security Group)
Manager: Ho-myeong Ma
Contact: 070-7147-7171,

2) A customer may exercise the rights prescribed under Paragraph 1 by proxy via a legal representative or delegate. In such cases, the customer must submit a power of attorney in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act (Enforcement Rules, Annex Form No. 11).
3) If a customer requests the correction of errors in personal information, the respective information shall not be used or provided until appropriate measures have been completed. Furthermore, if incorrect personal information has been provided to a third party, the results of the correction shall be immediately notified to the respective party to ensure that corrective measures are implemented.
4) Deletion of personal information requested by a customer shall be processed as specified in relevant laws and regulations within the legal period of retention and use. In addition, such information shall be prohibited from inspection or use for any other purpose.
5) To avoid possible incidents, be sure to enter the most current personal information without error. Incidents that occur due to a customer entering incorrect information shall be the responsibility of the respective customer. Identity theft or entering of false information may lead to membership termination and be punishable by law.
6) With the right to receive protection of personal information, customers have an obligation to protect themselves and not infringe on the information of other people. Be careful not to leak your own personal information or damage the information of others. Failure to fulfill such responsibilities and undermining of the privacy and dignity of others may be punishable according to relevant laws and regulations.
7) Personal Information of Minors
- As a rule, Samsung Techwin does not collect the personal information of customers whom are minors.
- If the personal information of minors is collected due to unavoidable reasons in the execution of product-related services, prior consent of the customer's legal representative shall be obtained and such information shall be destroyed without delay upon the completion of relevant tasks. Furthermore, said information shall be strictly managed while such tasks are in progress.

Article 8: Privacy Officers

1) To protect the personal information of customers and handle complaints and inquiries related to such information, Samsung Techwin has designated the following Privacy Officers.
Chief Privacy Office
Chief Privacy Officer Junior Privacy Officer
Department Human Resources Human Resources
Rank Executive Director Head of Department
Nam Chun-ryeol Bae Ho-myeong Ma
Contact 070-7147-7005 070-7147-7171
2) For consultation or to report privacy violations, please contact the following organizations:
- Personal Information Dispute Mediation Committee ( - 1336)
- Privacy Complaint Center ( - 118)
- Online Privacy Association Certification Committee ( - 02-580-0533~4)
- Supreme Prosecutors' Office - Internet Crime Investigation Center ( - 02-3480-3600)
- Korean National Police Agency - Cyber Bureau ( - 02-392-0330)

Article 9: Security Measures for the Protection of Personal Information

Samsung Techwin performs the following technical, administrative, and physical measures to ensure safety in the handling of and prevent the loss, theft, leak, alteration, or damage of personal information.
1) Samsung Techwin encrypts important personal information to be stored and managed.
2) Anti-hacking measures
- Samsung Techwin is committed to preventing the leakage or damage of personal information due to hacking or computer viruses.
- Data is regularly backed up in preparation against possible damage of personal information, and the latest anti-virus programs are used to prevent the leakage or damage of personal information. In addition, personal information is transmitted over networks via encrypted communication.
- A firewall is used to control unauthorized outside access. We are committed to utilizing all available technical resources to systemically ensure information security.
3) Minimization and training of personnel - Samsung Techwin limits the handling of personal information to personnel directly responsible, assigning separate passwords that are updated periodically. Furthermore, personal information is securely managed via frequent training of responsible parties.
- Transfer of duties with respect to personal information handling is conducted under strict security, and responsibility for privacy incidents is managed clearly in personnel who join/leave the company.
- Computer data storage rooms are set as special protection areas to strictly control access.
4) Privacy protection task force
- Fulfillment of personal information protection and personnel compliance are verified via an in-house privacy protection task force, and immediate corrective action is taken if and when a problem is discovered. However, Samsung Techwin shall not liable for problems due to personal information leaks caused by customer negligence or Internet problems.

Article 10: Installation and Operation of Automatic Personal Information Collection Devices

1) Samsung Techwin manages HTTP cookies for storing and retrieving user information. An HTTP cookie is a small file sent from Samsung Techwin's servers to a user's web browser and stored on the respective customer's computer hard disk drive. Samsung Techwin uses HTTP cookies for the following purposes: • Purpose Analyzing frequency of access and times of visit of members and non-members; identifying and tracking user preferences and interests; and providing targeted marketing and personalized services by identifying the number of visits. 2) Customers have a choice in whether to install cookies. By setting the options in a web browser, customers have the option to accept all cookies, confirm each time a cookie is stored, or refuse all cookies. However, customers may have difficulty with the provision of services if cookies are rejected. • Example of rejecting an HTTP cookie (Internet Explorer) Click the [Advanced] button under [Tools > Internet Options > Privacy] and set the option to [Block All Cookies].

Article 11: Notices for Changes in the Privacy Policy

1) This Privacy Policy was established on September 30, 2011. Any additions, deletions, or modification to the contents according to enactments or amendments to laws and regulations, changes in government policies, or changes in the internal policies of Samsung Techwin shall be published on the Website at least seven days prior to such revisions along with any relevant reasons. Samsung Techwin shall obtain customer consent for any major changes including the provision of personal information to third parties, changes in the purpose of collection or use, and changes to the retention period. 2) Previous Privacy Policies can be found below.
Effective date: Jan. 21, 2014