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Magic Grippers

The Magic Grippers are a general purpose, all-in-one vacuum system that covers most applications. The Magic Gripper has eliminated the need to purchase separate fittings, connection hoses, filters, and suction cups as they come as a one-piece standard. The ultra-lightweight and compact design allows for easy mounting options. Easy to use, and no tools required when replacing spare parts. A variety of sealing lip options allow for the Magic Gripper to grasp all different kinds of objects.


Magic Gripper is a vacuum generator with VMECA micro multi-stage vacuum cartridge installed. The Magic Grippers are a general-purpose, all-in-one vacuum system that covers most applications. The Magic Gripper has eliminated the need to purchase separate fittings, connection hoses, filters, and suction cups as they come as a one-piece standard.

Series MC10 MC20 MC23 MC25
Max. Vacuum Level -83 kPa -92 kPa -91 kPa -94.5 kPa
Open Vacuum Flow 14 Nl/min 42.2 Nl/min 85 Nl/min 164 Nl/min
Air Consumption 9.9 Nl/min @ 2.2 bar 32 Nl/min @ 4 bar 32 Nl/min @ 4 bar 83.5 Nl/min @ 6 bar
Vacuum cartridge Micro 2-stage Mini 2-stage Mini 3-stage Mini premium 2-stage
Top Bellows 20 mm, 40 mm 40 mm, 60 mm 40 mm, 60 mm 40 mm, 60 mm 
Available Type A, B, C, D A, B, C, D A, B, C, D A, B, C


  • Compatible Robots : HCR-3, HCR-5, HCR-12
  • Adapter Plate for Tool Flange : Provided


* ISO robot tool flange compatible (ISO 9409-1-50-4-M6)
For more information, please visit VMECA, VMECA YouTube, and VMECA blog.

| V-Grip System
| FXCB / FMCB : Vacuum Area Gripping Systems